Tofu Chocolate Ganache
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From Ivillage. A healthy Ganache instead of a heavy cream and butter one. Tofu Chocolate is Barat Chocolate


Chocolate Ganache
3/4 cup soymilk
2 ounces soy margarine
3/4 lb non-dairy chocolate chips (tofu chocolate)
Bitter Chocolate Ganache
1 1/2 cups soymilk
1 cup maple syrup
8 ounces bitter chocolate
4 ounces non-dairy chocolate chips (tofu chocolate)
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
Carob Ganache
1/2 cup brown rice syrup
1/4 cup soymilk
1/4 cup sucanat
1 cup unsweetened nondairy carob chips
2 tablespoons soy margarine
1 tablespoon cocoa (optional)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. Chocolate Ganche:.
2. Bring the soy milk and vegan margarine to a simmer. Chop the chocolate into small pieces and add to milk. Continue to heat, stir constantly until chocolate melts then cool slightly.
3. Use Immediately or it might separate. IF it does so they recommend heating and stirring vigorously.
4. Note you can also use Carob chips in place of tofu chocolate.
5. Bitter Chocolate Ganche:.
6. Bring soy milk and syrup to simmer. Chop both kinds of chocolate into small pieces and add to milk. Stir until chocolate has melted. Remove from heat. IF separates, add more chocolate. When smooth and of desired consistency, stir in the vanilla.
7. Carob Ganche:.
8. Heat brown rice, soy milk and sucanat to a brief simmer. Add carob chips, vegan margarine and cocoa [if using] and cook for about a minute. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla.
9. To Ice a cake. Place cake on wire rack and slp a clean baking sheet under. This will catch the drips and you can reuse the runoff.
10. You can also use this as a dip for fresh fruit, dried fruit, or confections. Heat a small amount to start. As you use it add a little more. Avoid warming more than you will need.

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